When I was in high school I trained for three reasons:

1) to improve my performance in sports
2) to be the first person in my high school to bench press 300 pounds
3) improve my physical appearance by developing big arm and chest muscles

I hit my 300-pound bench goal and I’m sure strength training improved my sport performance, although I am not sure I ever looked good.

Later in life, I trained with my daughter in distance running. We lived in a small town and I had to choose wether to let a 14-year-old run by herself on gravel roads or run with her – so I chose to run. With training, I went from doing something I hated and felt forced to do to (running marathons, half marathons, and more 5Ks than I want to think about), to something I loved. What made it worth it, was the amazing father/daughter bonding events we’ll always be able to look back on and remember.

Fast forward 10 years and once again I found myself doing a little running and going to the gym, but I had no defined reason why. I realized I needed a purpose for my training to rekindle the drive to work hard at the gym. Then I found kettlebells, set a goal to become a certified kettlebell instructor, and found my new why.

Having a why made all the difference – from just putting my time in at the gym – to being excited and driven to reach a new goal. My current quest is to develop greater strength and stability, not for a prize or to set a new record, but to become a better me.

Why do you train? Do you have an event or competition you want to do? Do you want to do a Tough Mudder or a Spartan Race? Do you want to get back into a favorite pair of pants? Do you want to improve your sleep at night and wake not feeling tired and stiff? Do you want to maintain your independence to play with your grandkids?

No matter where you are at in life, you need to ask “Why do I…….?”  If you question “why” or do not have consistent motivation to go to the gym, it may be time to create an honest list of “whys.” Make your reasons and/or goals measurable, realistic, and attainable. If you are struggling with the question “Why do I train?make an appointment with me or one of the other personal trainers at Performance Health & Fitness to assist you in setting some attainable goals.