I absolutely love my job and what I enjoy the most is having the ability to sit down with people to talk about their wellness goals. After we establish what their goals are, we have to take a look at their current lifestyle, as well as some measurements of their current fitness level by doing some tests. This helps us to see what they are currently capable of doing, as well as what they need to work on consistently to achieve their goals.

Some people I meet with are ready to take action, but there are some that once they know what it REALLY takes to achieve their goals that they are a little hesitant.

If I were to give you a list of 10 things to work on would you be truly ready to put it into action tomorrow or would you be overwhelmed?

There isn’t a magic pill when it comes to achieving your health and wellness goals but every single one is achievable when put into action. It takes consistency, commitment and being mindful about your choices.

Many factors can affect your results such as nutrition, hydration, exercise/movement, sleep habits, stress, chronic illnesses that you currently have, or even the medications that you’re taking. Our health coaches may need to break down your current lifestyle in order to really see where the problems could be coming from. As I have previously stated, changing your current habits can be really hard and it is way more beneficial to change one thing at a time rather than everything at once, but this may change your outlook on how ready you are to make changes.

It is our job to see how ready you are to make those changes to be able to put you on the right path towards success.

There are 6 stages of readiness for change: Pre-contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance and Termination or Recurrence.

Image credit: Infinity Rehab

You have the ability to achieve anything that you possibly want to as long as you are READY to do so.

I encourage you to visit this article at infinityrehab.com and take a look at each of these descriptions in more detail and reflect on what stage you are in currently with one of your goals. It’s ok if you make a mistake or if you revert back to a bad habit once in a while because we are all HUMAN. No one is perfect but if you are determined to achieve your health and wellness goals then you will get back on track as soon as you can.

Some of you may be ready to change one of your habits right now and put them into action but some of you may need some help. You might not even really know what you need to do in order to reach your fitness goals but that’s what we are here for is to help you break down your goals to come up with a plan and to help you put it into action.

“To change a habit, make a conscious decision, then act out the new behavior.” – Maxwell Maltz


Want to learn more about Personal Training, Health Coaching, Nutrition Coaching, TEAM Training, or Senior Fitness/Senior Personal Training at Performance Health & Fitness? Sign up for a FREE 30-Minute Strategy Session with a certified personal trainer and we'll help you find the resources and information needed to reach your personal goals.

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