If you are ready to start changing your lifestyle habits to become the best version of yourself there are 5 main components that contribute to your success:

1: Daily Physical Activity
2: Stress Management
3: Hydration
4: Sleep
5: Nutrition

Most of these components that help people to achieve optimal health and results are fairly easy to change along with a high willingness to change when people first start their fitness journey. The hardest component that most tend to be resilient to is, changing their nutritional habits.

Luckily for our members and community, we have our InBody 270 to gather client’s individual needs to help them implement an individual plan based on their daily activity and specific caloric needs for optimal health and body function.

The problem is….to some, it might be a big change.

But I’m here to tell you that it can be quite simple if you follow a couple of tips daily to help decrease the stress of it all.

Tip #1:

Make it a point to eat a balanced meal every time that you are hungry. What does this mean exactly? Well….I’ll show you!

Every time you sit down to eat, your plate should look like this to make sure it is a balanced meal.

image credit: Harvard School of Public Health

The only exception would be if your body had any food sensitivities that would make this plate look a little different, but quite honestly this is pretty simple to follow and most people have success implementing this model first before going to extremes because you don’t have to cut anything out!

It’s all about changing the quality of what you eat 80% of the time but not the quantity or specific foods unless there is a specific reason.

Tip #2:
It’s important to make sure that you are eating your fruits and veggies (just like Grandma told you to do!)

To help and make sure that you are getting the adequate number of fruits and vegetables in your daily nutrition.

Just try to make sure that you are eating 3 servings of veggies (1 serving is ½ cup) and 2 servings of fruit per day (this is a ½ cup as well).

If you are someone that is a visual learner of what ½ a cup looks like, it is the size of your palm.

By making sure that we are eating enough fruit and veggies daily it helps to decrease abdominal bloating, inflammation, helps us receive our essential vitamins and minerals, change our body composition, increases our fiber and water intake plus it helps give us more energy!

Tip #3:

Keep your eating simple! We have been told that we need to cook a hot meal every time we decide we eat in order to get what we need and that is simply not true.

By going to the grocery store and purchasing bagged salad, bagged carrots, a cucumber to cut up or cutting up fruit to put in storage containers is a very quick and easy way to put healthy meals together to make sure you are getting the nutrients you need.

To put it simply…..we tend to make it harder than it needs to be 🙂 Don’t make it more stressful than it needs to be!


Take these tips and put them into action. Join us for the Simple Meal Prep Challenge. It’s easy – every day for a month, eat 3 servings of veggies and 2 servings of fruit. Fill in or check the boxes as you go and see your daily habits improve.

Simple Meal Prep Challenge
Lynde Weatherford, Personal Trainer and Health Coach

About Lynde Weatherford

Director of Training Services, Certified Personal Trainer & Health Coach

NSCA Certified Personal Trainer; AFPA Nutrition and Wellness Consultant

Lynde has been a personal trainer for 10+ years and couldn’t be happier with her career choice. With her parents as inspiration along with her high school years as an athlete, she acquired a true passion for health and wellness. Lynde enjoys showing others what they are capable of to achieve their health and fitness goals. During her years as a trainer, she has been able to help others achieve weight loss, gain muscle mass, live a better quality of life, and teach them skills they can use for the rest of their lives. It is her goal to coach those who think they can’t do it to thinking that they can achieve what they want despite what may be currently challenging them. She looks forward to speaking with Performance members to develop an individualized plan of action for achieving health and fitness goals.

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Would you like to schedule a complimentary initial consultation with Lynde? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you within 24 business hours with availability and next steps. These appointments typically last 30-60 minutes and are scheduled in advance. Initial consultations can be conducted in person or virtually.

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