Kids are back in school, and often times that also means back to packing lunches. You focus on packing a balanced lunch for your kids, but what about yourself? Are you someone who packs a lunch for work every day, or do you wait to figure out what you are going to eat right before lunch and make a quick impulse choice?

Packing a lunch can help to ensure you are getting a balanced, nutrient dense meal every day. I know what you are thinking, “packing lunch is time consuming”. I have some tips to make it easier to prepare and pack balanced lunches for your work day. They don’t have to be elaborate and creative, but they don’t have to be boring either!

Repurpose leftovers
This is one of my favorite ways to pack my lunch. I am not a fan of large scale meal prepping on the weekends, so I do a little bit of meal prep on Sunday, and then the rest throughout the week at dinner. I just make a little extra of the protein and vegetables we are having and reuse it in a different way. Leftover grilled salmon and vegetables can be added to a salad with a side of pita bread and hummus. Leftover fajita chicken, veggies and rice can be turned into a fajita bowl.

Go lunchable style
If you don’t have leftovers, or don’t want to eat the same thing the next day, make a grab-and-go type of meal in a bento box. Roll deli meat and cheese into a tortilla and cut into pinwheels, add some bell peppers, and an apple for a complete meal. Or, grab a couple hard boiled eggs, carrots, melon, some cheese and crackers.

Prepare in advance
Clean and cut produce when you purchase it, and put it in individual containers so it is easier to pack. Make large batches proteins or roasted vegetables when time allows, and freeze them to use later. Portion out leftovers and pack it into containers the night before.

Don’t be afraid to take a boring lunch
There is nothing wrong with a sandwich or leftover spaghetti for lunch. If that is what you have and it is easier for you, pack it! There are ways to spruce it up a bit. If taking a sandwich, top it with vegetables, and take a side of veggies, add a piece of fruit and a yogurt for a complete meal. If you have leftover spaghetti, bring a side salad, some fruit and you have yourself a balanced meal. There is nothing wrong with a good old PB&J either! Have some extra vegetables at snacks that day to meet your daily servings of vegetables if you don’t want to pack some veggies with your PB&J.

The goal is to try to include as many food groups (fruit, vegetable, lean protein, whole grain, dairy) as possible to create a balanced and nutritious lunch.  If you can’t get all 5 food groups in, that is fine. Aim for as many as you can. Now get packing!