I am not sure how, but it is already March, which means spring is right around the corner. Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? I can’t think of a better month to explore new fruits and vegetables with our Colorful Foods Challenge.
National Nutrition Month is a campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, which focuses on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. This year the slogan is Eat Right, Bite by Bite. One of the key messages is to eat a variety of nutritious foods every day!
Our challenge expands on the message to eat a variety of nutritious foods every day by challenging you to incorporate a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables that you don’t typically eat or haven’t tried. Each week you will be challenged to include fruits and vegetables from different sub-groups – green, red/orange, purple/blue, & other.
Trying new fruits and vegetables doesn’t have to be complicated. You can keep it simple and try a fruit or vegetable plain or add it to one of your favorite recipes. Aim to add 4 new fruits and/or vegetables from each category each week.
The Colorful Foods Challenge
Week 1 – Green
Include new dark leafy greens in your salad, roast Brussels Sprouts as a side with dinner, add kiwi to your lunch, or bring honeydew to work for a snack.
Week 2 –Red/Orange
Roast sweet potatoes for dinner, add carrots and red peppers to your pasta sauce, blend strawberries and raspberries into your favorite smoothie, or bake apples with pork chops for added flavor.
Week 3 – Purple/Blue
Add purple cabbage to your stir fry, make eggplant lasagna for an unexpected twist, top your yogurt with blackberries and blueberries, or pack a plum with your lunch.
Week 4 – Your Pick
Add cucumbers and cauliflower to your veggie tray, sauté zucchini & summer squash to compliment your dinner, top your oatmeal or cereal with a banana, or pack grapes for a mid-day snack.