This is one of the most frequent questions that gets asked during initial health coaching consultations:
What should I be doing in order to achieve the results that I want?
Let me tell ya, that is a LOADED question. When we (the Performance Health & Fitness Health Coaches) sit down with people we need to understand what your goals are and what you have currently been doing in order to steer you in the right direction.
The other thing that we try to help people understand is the answer (to the loaded question) depends on what you have currently been doing and what you are looking for to see what components of wellness need to be adjusted.
The key is balance.
This concept is true for not only your fitness program but also for your nutrition program, your mental health and your flexibility program amongst other things.
If you are coming to us and we realize that you aren’t fueling your body enough to change your body composition, then we need to adjust your nutrition program to fit your fitness program.
If you come to us and we can’t hit those squat strength gains because of tightness somewhere in your lower body then we need to incorporate some flexibility or mobility training along with your cardiovascular and strength program.
To achieve results it is never one or the other but a combination of factors that leads to success.
So what is enough?
That all depends on what your goals are. That’s why these things take time!
There isn’t instant gratification when it comes to wanting to increase your strength, decreasing your body fat, increasing your lean muscle tissue or changing your nutrition – this is a complicated puzzle because everyone is different.
Thankfully, we have specialists at Performance Health & Fitness that are here to help you develop a plan. We have a Registered Dietitian that can help you with nutrition coaching and determine what nutrition plan is best for YOU. We have coaches here in order to help you come up with a training program that is individualized for YOU. We also have health coaches here that can help you come up with a lifestyle that fits YOUR needs and wants.
Did you notice a pattern? This is all for YOU.
Not your neighbor, not your friend, not your family member or your coworker. We need to figure out your individual puzzle pieces and help you to put them together for what is best for YOU to achieve results.
Puzzle pieces to keep in mind:
– Individual Nutrition Needs
– Individual Fitness Program
– Enough Sleep
– Stress Management
– Flexibility/Mobility Training
– Individual Hydration Needs
– Whatever YOU need to achieve success
Want to learn more about Personal Training, Health Coaching, Nutrition Coaching, TEAM Training, or Senior Fitness/Senior Personal Training at Performance Health & Fitness? Sign up for a FREE 30-Minute Strategy Session with a certified personal trainer and we'll help you find the resources and information needed to reach your personal goals.