The New Year is a time for resolutions. Most of resolutions made are too ambitious and end up losing momentum after a few weeks. Many individuals set goals to lose weight, get fit, or eat better with good intentions. The issue is when these goals are set too far of reach. Setting goals and working hard to achieve them is a great thing to do. When setting goals focus on what makes you feel good about yourself. Start with small, reasonable goals to help you develop lifelong habits, instead of lofty, unattainable goals that make you follow habits that you cannot maintain.

Here are 5 easy tips for making resolutions that will last:

1. Set goals for this year by looking back at last year.
Doing this will help you be aware of your current exercise and eating habits, and which goals you can realistically achieve. If you only exercise once a week, don’t set a goal to exercise every day. Instead, start with a goal of exercising 3 times a week, and work up from there. If you never eat vegetables, don’t set a goal to have greens at every meal. Instead set a goal to include vegetables at one meal every day.

2. Break goals up into short-term (week or two), medium-term (2-3 months) and long-term (a year).
Set small, realistic goals that are easy to maintain. Starting with short-term goals helps you make small changes that lead up to your medium and long-term goals.

3. Shift the focus of your goals towards eating foods that make you feel good and doing physical activities you enjoy.
Ditch the quick-fixes and crash diets they aren’t sustainable. If you enjoy the foods you are eating and the activities you are doing, you will be more likely to stay motivated to continue those.

4. Make goals measurable, so that you can track your success, and celebrate your successes.
– I will eat a vegetable for dinner every evening.
– I will choose water over soda during the day.
– I will take the stairs instead of the elevator.
– I will go to spin class twice a week.
– I will make time for breakfast every morning.

5. There will be roadblocks, don’t give up.
You don’t have to have the all or nothing mindset. Not every day, workout, or meal is going to be perfect. Life happens. If you don’t have time for a workout one day, don’t give up and think that one missed workout will wreck the hard work you have put in. Find another day that works, and get back into a routine. If you eat one too many treats at the office, don’t think that your attempt at eating healthier is ruined. Don’t feel guilty about it, and throw in the towel. Get back into your eating routine the next meal or snack.


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