November is a month where we tend to show more appreciation for the things that we have rather than the things that we don’t, but why does it only happen one time a year?

Psychologists have found that it is far easier for us to focus on situations that are negative and dwell on them for long periods of time – rather than focusing on the positive. This means we have to work hard to turn our frown upside down and rewire our brains to think positively. Who knew that would be so difficult?!

Some say that this stems from our evolutionary background as a species in that paying attention to the negative was a survival mechanism. I mean that makes sense, right?  We had to pay attention to our surroundings in order to keep ourselves and loved ones safe. I would say that is still very true today. So what can we do in order to turn that around?

Sit down with yourself and start to think of what makes you happy?

Maybe that is calling a loved one every day, surrounding yourself with positive people or people that help to lift you up, singing your favorite song in the car every day, working out or simply just taking the time to log off and enjoy life unplugged?

Whatever that is, start incorporating it on a daily basis to help deal with the negative issues that may have come up during the day.

It’s ok for things to go wrong as you can’t expect everything to be perfect. Take time to reflect on these negative situations for we can learn from them and move forward in the future, but please try not to dwell on them for then we can spiral into a psychological negative bias that is hard to climb out of. Trust me, I have learned a lot over the years as I have been one to focus on the negative quite a bit. Now that I have gained some life experience (you probably have way more than me) in knowing that life isn’t always rainbows and butterflies. It has helped me to deal with negative situations in a healthier way 🙂

Here’s another tactic that you can use to help boost those positive endorphins every day.

Either take out a piece of paper, write it on a dry erase board, in a journal or record your voice saying 5 things that you are grateful for every day in November.

Having a constant reminder of these 5 things will help you to think more positively rather than negatively. Post these everywhere so that when you are having a bad moment you can look at them to remind yourself that things aren’t that bad after all. We all deal with negative life experiences, but this can help you to deal with them in a healthier way and to move forward quickly.

My goal for everyone would be to live every day in the month of November feeling grateful for the life they get to live every day. Enjoy life to the fullest, take negativity in stride and be thankful for the person that you look at in the mirror every day. We all have something to give, to do and to be positive about. It may be harder than other days to find the silver lining, but the more we do the happier we can be all year long rather than just one month a year.


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